You Have Questions, And We Have Answers.

We are so glad you want to contact us!

Whether you want to schedule a tour, donate, become a member or a corporate sponsor, volunteer, or give us feedback, the Henry County Historical Society would love to hear from you.

You can contact us through various means, including submitting a contact form, email, phone, mail, and in person.

Telegraph device used to send telegrams in the late 1800s.

Telegraph devices like the one shown here were used during the later half of the 19th century to send coded messages known as telegrams. Today, we send and receive emails and text messages.

Send Us an Email

You can contact us by filling out some contact information and clicking Send Form. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you prefer, you can enter our email address into the email program of your choice.

Three switchboard operators connecting calls made through the Clinton Telephone Exchange.

Three switchboard operators connect callers at the Clinton Telephone Exchange in the early 1900s. Today, most calls are made by wireless cell phones.

Give Us a Call

From April through December, we’re available to answer your call Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Our phone number is (660) 885-8414.

If you are viewing our website from your cell phone, you can also use the "Place Call" button.

A dozen handwritten envelopes with names, addresses, and postmarked stamps.

While not nearly as common today, letter writing is much the same as in the 1800s. About the only change is the price of postage.

Write Us a Letter

Longhand letter writing is nearly a lost art. So, we’d be thrilled to receive one from you!

Here’s our mailing address:

Henry County Historical Society
203 West Franklin Street
Clinton, Missouri 64735

Crowded sidewalk on the Clinton square in the late 1800s.

A crowd gathers for some unknown reason on the Clinton square in the late 1800s.

Stop By in Person

We’re ready to greet you when you come through our museum doors from April through December.

Stop by Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Whether you choose to walk here, ride a horse, or drive a car, you’ll find us at:

203 West Franklin Street
Clinton, Missouri 64735



Google Maps mistakenly places a red pin on the Delozier Building (Henry County Bank), identifying it as the Henry County Museum, which is incorrect.

The museum entrance is two buildings west (left) of the DeLozier Building on Franklin Street.