Donate Today to Make a Difference Tomorrow

You Are Our Lifeline!

The Henry County Historical Society is a private nonprofit organization that receives no government funding.

We rely entirely on the kindness and generosity of our visitors and supporters.


Your Donation is a Great Way to Give Back to the Community.

Donating to the Henry County Historical Society and the Henry County Museum is a great way to give back to the community and support a valuable local resource. Your generous donation will help:

  • Preserve the unique history of Henry County, Missouri, for future generations.

  • Acquire and preserve historic objects that might otherwise be lost or destroyed.

  • Foster a sense of pride and identity within Henry County by showcasing our local history and culture.

  • Honor local heroes and influential figures who have significantly contributed to the community, state, and nation.

  • Offer educational programs and resources for students and teachers that help promote a deeper understanding of local history.

  • Attract visitors outside Henry County, which can help stimulate the local economy.

These are just a few of the many reasons to donate to the Henry County Historical Society and Museum. Thank you for considering this important cause!
